If Bin Laden read Dr.
Suess by Mark Kuhar 2001 September 18
I found it appropriate that the poet chose to utilize a
children’s political cartoonist to couch his venomous feelings towards Bin
Laden. When the speaker if the poem implores Bin Laden to “fire up some Afghani
red” and “go to a soccer game” he takes on a similar tune to that of a
over-coddled latchkey kid whose latest crisis consists of being out of
pop-tarts or Capri-Sun juice drinks.
The sense of entitlement held by poets continues to befuddle me. What
gives a poet license to suggest, “the arab world needs a savior, not a fugitive
killer” while explicitly stating that Bin Laden should “feed five thousand with
loaves and fish.” Anger and feelings of hurt is one thing: stupidity and
hypocrisy are another. Let me get this correct: “the arab world needs a savior”
and the poet suggests that Bin Laden perform Christ-like miracles? Are you
confused? I am. I’ll go back to my red-dot books and attempt to craft a
critique of them.
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